How to Save It

How to Save It’ sees Bola Sol guiding her readers along the journey to becoming more financially literate. The book, modest and purse-sized of is full of general information around finances, and the importance of saving and investing from as early an age as possible. Sol presents manageable steps that can be taken to start creating a more positive mindset around money (if one does not already have one!). She also suggests actual tools, apps and resources that can be utilised for free (and some paid) to start collecting those coins. 

Money can be such a taboo topic, especially amongst ethnic minority communities, and further more amongst women. As such, it is really uplifting to see women like Bola filling the financial literacy space across the media, and encouraging others, specifically young women, to follow in their footsteps. Contemporaries like Kia Commodore of Pennies to Pounds, and Sade Taiwo of The Penny Pal are also paving the way for engaging financial literacy content that is accessible to all. There’s a wealth of information awaiting anyone wanting to learn!

As someone currently working in finance and slowly improving my financial wellness, it is beyond inspiring to see this book brought to market by Sol. At the exclusive Chapters and Chill Q&A on the book, the author stressed the importance of people taking more interest in their finances at a younger age. For so long we have been left in the dark about the topic - but it is only through education about this vital life currency that we can take control of ourselves, our lives and our future. In my opinion, any individual whether just starting out in their finance journey, or more experienced can glean beneficial intel from ‘How To Save It’

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A Promise Land

