Mamba Mentality: How I Play

This book is like no other I’ve yet read. Though I downloaded and read the book, the sheer detail as well as the language used to express said detail, relay the message so vividly. The simplicity of this book is what did it for me, the fact that Bryant is able to paint such a vivid picture of his mind to me through a picture book with such simplified prose makes me question the current direction of the literary world. Then I remember that I should probably first question myself and my limited literacy. Back to the book:

What does Bryant’s mind look like? Exactly how he wrote the book, meticulous but not to the point of exhaustion, Bryant exceeds that point like few others do, and enters beyond the abyss into true excellence. What is true excellence? Labouring from a place of rest. Putting so many hours into something so complex that you’re able to deconstruct it in a 100 page picture book.  Though all about basketball, this book is nothing about basketball. It’s about excellence and its process, it’s about how it hurts so bad until it hurts so good and just keeps hurting because the journey never truly ends. We just get to find rest while labouring in the process. 

Like the true competitor that he is, Bryant knew who he was facing while writing this book. Millions of individuals at varying points of the excellence process, and he did his utmost to meet every single one of us with Mamba Mentality. Thank you Kobe.

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The Hate U Give